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« Happy fathers day next week | Main | PeruRail, you rile me »

June 13, 2005



Que ganas tengo de poder volver a aquella zona, asi que nada, muchisimas gracias por todas estas fotos de aquella zona.


Good advice to save money.

I paid $75 for the train from cusco, $12 for the bus ride up and back, $40 admission (not a student), and $13 for food and water for the day. So $140 for one sight. Ouch!

PS. For ruins, I think pompeii in italy was much more interesting.


i am from cusco and it is true how expencive it is for you guys....people there think that gringos that go there have tons of money thats why they keep takin money from you guys...i just wanted to say that that is a sad thing because we are in a way destroying our economy because we are scaring away the tourists...but i hope you guys had fun

Machu Picchu Visitor

Machu Picchu was certainly one of the most expensive places I have visited.
I arrived via train on my first day and visited the city during the afternoon. The next day we visited the city in the morning. At noon it started to rain and we went down to Aquas Calientes since we had to catch the train anyways.
I paid $140 for the bus and the Entrance Fees to MP (for two travellers).
The tickets are valid only one day and the bus is outrageously expensive.
Nevertheless, I would gladly pay again.


I would suggest that you take the bus up in the morning to the ruins, then walk down, since the ruins close fairly early and you'll have plenty of time. Down is easier than up. And for god's sake bring food to Aguas Calientes. NEVER have I paid so much for such crappy fare. Not even in Oslo. I am not kidding.

sebas argentina!!!!

hey!!! superman!!!be cool!!!


sweet sweet student ID. me and my asian skin will be in college 4eva.

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Books I Have Read Abroad

  • paulo Cuelho: el alquimista
    Another book everyone RAVES about, and I only enjoyed a little bit. However, this was my very first complete novel read in Spanish, and I'm pretty proud of that. (**)
  • Khaled Hosseini: the kite runner

    Khaled Hosseini: the kite runner
    I don't know why so many other travellers in South America are reading this, and love it so much. I thought it a bit contrived, and written at an overly dramatic level. (**)

  • Jon Lee Anderson: Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life
    After reading this book, I respect Che for his conviction, as opposed to his actions, and can now intelligently argue my case with any college student or South America Fidelista. Oh, by the way, it was about 800 pages long, so it is a terrible idea to take it backpacking. (*****)


  • juanes - es por ti

    es por ti
    juanes: Mi Sangre

    es por TIIIII. blah blah blah blah corazon. (*****)

  • shakira - la tortura

    la tortura
    shakira: Fijacion Oral

    I dunno if this is playing in the states, cause it is in Spanish. Go download the VIDEO from somewhere, or shakira.com. You will see frightening pectoral isolation movements. Go go Alejandro Sanz, we all wish we were you. (*****)


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