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April 16, 2005


steven s bellido

Hi there,
I was reading your page and I could not help to have a good laugh about your experiences in La Paz. I can tell u ...I relate. I was born un the US but since the age of 6 raised in La Paz until I finished High School and traveled to the US and at 21 finally joined the army (what an idea...) Anyhow I read the comments of this "conejo" dude and I would say Dont even bother reading his "black" wannabe writting style shit.
Is no insult to tell what impressions we really get out of wherever situation we encounter while visiting diferent countries. Some can be exciting and some others plain funny and hilarious. When I was a kid I used to watch this all day marathon shows on a very "popular" TV show and sometimes they would have this contests (this was broadcast life from a movie theater) and it used to be so much fun to watch...Jesus I almost always ended up crying laughing about the whole thing....Anyways , Nice page u made telling your experiences down there. Congrats

steven bellido

hi test


oe conchatu mare hijo de la gran puta,
no me insulten a m gente peruano, gringo muthafuka talk shi get ur neck ripped by a peruvian uu bicth dunno wa u sayin all dis site is bullshi starigth

xavier REGGAETOON 1es

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Books I Have Read Abroad

  • paulo Cuelho: el alquimista
    Another book everyone RAVES about, and I only enjoyed a little bit. However, this was my very first complete novel read in Spanish, and I'm pretty proud of that. (**)
  • Khaled Hosseini: the kite runner

    Khaled Hosseini: the kite runner
    I don't know why so many other travellers in South America are reading this, and love it so much. I thought it a bit contrived, and written at an overly dramatic level. (**)

  • Jon Lee Anderson: Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life
    After reading this book, I respect Che for his conviction, as opposed to his actions, and can now intelligently argue my case with any college student or South America Fidelista. Oh, by the way, it was about 800 pages long, so it is a terrible idea to take it backpacking. (*****)


  • juanes - es por ti

    es por ti
    juanes: Mi Sangre

    es por TIIIII. blah blah blah blah corazon. (*****)

  • shakira - la tortura

    la tortura
    shakira: Fijacion Oral

    I dunno if this is playing in the states, cause it is in Spanish. Go download the VIDEO from somewhere, or shakira.com. You will see frightening pectoral isolation movements. Go go Alejandro Sanz, we all wish we were you. (*****)


Bolivian hot hits

Buenos Aries Rockin'

Bolivian Presidential Crisis 2005

  • Peaceful protests in Bolivia
    Bolivian President Carlos Mesa announces his resignation, in a move that would either polarize or save an already divided nation of Bolivia.

Stencil Graffiti Role Call - Buenos Aires

  • Cimg1495
    A growing collection of quality stencil graffiti in Buenos Aires.
My Photo