Pictured here you will see a thumbnail of a street scene, but GUESS WHAT!?!?!?! It's a photo-mosiac, which means it's a picture made of lots of other tiny little pictures, hooray!
I know it sounds lame, but making these is a lot of fun, thanks to the Andrea Photo mosaic program. Anyway, this pic is a thumbnail, and if you click on it you can get the original, in it's 3000 pic glory!
As president of the A. Kaplan fan club, I feel the need to bring to your attention some of the mail we've been getting. It seems that the fans want to see more depth, more introspection, and more of the intelligence that we know exists in that head of yours. We want to hear about the interesting cultural differences and things you've learned. We want to hear about new things you've learned about yourself, beyond how many mojitos you are now able to drink in one evening. We all look forward to it!
"The fans"
Posted by: The fans | January 31, 2005 at 10:39 AM