Well, as I´m in Buenos Aires sucking down bus exhaust, Jay, an old friend from NYC, is up in the clouds at Macchu Piccu. I am compelled to include this pic, and if you´d like his full account, or more pics, email him. Here´s an excerpt:
Anyway, we reached the sun gate around 6 am and waited for the clouds
to clear so we could get our first glimps of the myscially city from a
distance and you could hear the digital cameras clicking. During the
the 25th of december a ray of light goes throgh the sun gate, and all
the way into the the sun temple in machu pichu and illuminates some
arcane rock with symbols, which anthropologists have no idea what is
means. its amazing.
Good stuff from Jay. My only question is, how was he able to upload 200 pics from an ancient Mayan civilization, while I can´t seem to get more than one pic a day up from the middle of this city!
Yes, I´m way too lazy to look up the proper spelling for Machu Piccu. Looks good to me that way, so I´m going with it from now on.